Embroidering is for the adornment of clothing, bedding, tablecloths and other textiles and for me, it is fun. It is a very challenging activity and takes a lot of time. Embroidery has different styles and uses different materials: colour, stitch style, needles, frame shape, and other tools. Using embroidery, whole pictures can be made, some of which are very valuable. Some can be embroidered with a machine, but usually smaller pictures.
Each embroidery is depends on the stitch. There are many stitches, for example:
Cross stitch: The easiest technique, two stitches cross over at 90 °
Kelim: The stitches look like knitted eyelets and form a horizontal rib
Chain Stitch: A double stitch, the thread is stretched by each hole in the fabric from the bottom up and after the loop is reversed.
Embroidery can also be used to create lace, which is a fancy fabric used as decoration. In the Czech Republic, lace-making has existed since the 16th century, but since the end of the 19th century, is less common.


Tools for Embroidering:

Crocheting is the creation of a fabric using wool or other thread. The crochet base is a chain, a short and a long post. It propably comes from China or Tibet. When you are crocheting you can create many patterns. Most often this was used in the production of warm clothes such as sweaters, caps, scarves, gloves and much more and it is still used these days. Crocheting can also create some different kinds of lace.
We can crochet with many techniques such as:
Bosnian – a visually simmilar to basic textile
Tunisian – like knitwear
Irish – originated in 1845 in an effort to imitate Venetian lace

Tools for crocheting:

How the final cloth looks: